Missing Est. Value!
We do not have an
Est. Value on record for this item. The
Est. Value is the value you see when clicking on an item
in your inventory—not the Shop Wiz or Trading Post market values!
See our guide for instructions on where to find the
Est. Value
and how to submit it to Jellyneo:
Missing Est. Values
A suave, sophisticated treat for the extra special Neopet.
- This item was worth 1 point when donated in the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Charity Corners.
- This item was worth 1 point when recycled at the 2023 Faerie Festival or donated at the 2024 Faerie Festival.
- This item can be fed to your pet.
- Feeding a Tonu this item will make it sick with Neezles.
The only one in Neopia is rumoured to be owned by the creator of Neopets, Adam (borovan).
Feeding a Tonu this item will make it sick with Neezles.
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