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You can find a Floobix just by standing on the beaches of Lutari Island and looking towards the sky! They are great companions, but you may hear quite a noise out of them if theyre unhappy.


Available From
  • This item was intended to be available from Lutari Island through the Neopets Mobile game, but was never obtainable this way.
  • This Petpet is the original unpainted version.
  • This Petpet is only available through the Petpet Lab Ray.

At the Petpet Puddle

This Green petpet may not be painted at the Petpet Puddle. It is only obtainable by zapping any petpet at the Petpet Lab Ray.

All Floobix Petpets » All Green Petpets »

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Daily Neopets Alerts: Nov 2, 2024

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Discounted: Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
For the month of November, Treasure of the Black Pawkeet costs 50% less per game.
Rubbish Dump Day
Participate in Rubbish Dump Day to get the avatar! (Or help others grab it!)


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from 1:45:00 PM to 1:48:59 PM NST
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