Is our price out of date? Let us know by providing a new suggestion:
1,850 NP
on February 4, 2025
For Buyables: We will use the Shop Wiz to verify your
suggestion, and in the process we may come up with our own average price. Reports
are also not always checked immediately, so what we find may slightly differ!
For Unbuyables: We have strict pricing guidelines in
place to prevent unscrupulous users from attempting to fudge unbuyable prices.
If we cannot find evidence of your price suggestion, then we may simply not
make any changes.
Is this item being falsely inflated and used maliciously on the Trading Post? Let us know by clicking the button below so that we can investigate.
Note: We typically add false inflation alerts on any items
that have jumped 300% or more in price compared to our current listed price. We
typically only do this for items costing >100,000 NP, or buyable items that have
gone unbuyable. For example, an item that goes from 500 NP to 2,000 NP would not
receive an alert. But an item that has a consistent history of being around 75,000 NP that
sees a sudden jump to say, 250,000 NP, might be worthy of a warning.
These guidelines do not apply to items inflated naturally due to time
passing (such as a retired item raising in price over time), or an event occurring
(such as Charity Corner pushing up the price of wearables).
The spirit of our inflation warning guidelines is to prevent buyers from being ripped
off with prices they shouldn't be paying. So if you think an item qualifies, don't
hestitate to let us investigate.