There are 13 openable items in this category.
Balthazar Pinata
410 NP
Released on May 5, 2005
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Boochi Pinata
1,500 NP
Released on August 19, 2006
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Buzzer Pinata
3,975 NP
Released on April 18, 2013
In addition, playing with and breaking open this pinata will also give you two of the following food items:
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you one of the following toys:
Chuckles Pinata
15,500 NP
Released on August 19, 2006
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Gnorbu Pinata
1,325 NP
Released on May 7, 2013
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you one of the following plushies:
In addition, playing with and breaking open this pinata will also give you two of the following food items:
Grundo Pinata
12,300 NP
Released on August 19, 2006
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Hubrid Nox Pinata
330 NP
Released on May 5, 2005
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Kau Pinata
1,000 NP
Released on May 7, 2013
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you one of the following toys:
In addition, playing with and breaking open this pinata will also give you two of the following food items:
Meuka Pinata
270 NP
Released on May 5, 2005
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Pawkeet Pinata
1 NP
Released on April 18, 2013
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you one of the following toys:
In addition, playing with and breaking open this pinata will also give you one to two of the following food items:
Scorchio Pinata
490 NP
Released on March 16, 2018
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you one of the following plushies:
In addition, playing with and breaking open this pinata will also give you two of the following food items:
Turmaculus Pinata
410 NP
Released on August 19, 2006
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items:
Vira Pinata
590 NP
Released on May 5, 2005
Playing with and breaking open this pinata will give you three of the following items: