Item Database

Shop Stock Price Checker

Want to figure out the worth of your shop's stock?

Using this tool, you can easily find the value of the items in your shop's stock. To get your price list, simply follow the instructions below.


  1. Visit your Shop Stock page on Neopets.
  2. Select the page you wish to see prices for. Or search and select a page from there. (You must view this page in English so we can properly process it.)
  3. On the page you selected, right click on the page and select "View Page Source."
  4. In the coding that pops up, press CTRL + A on your keyboard to select all of the text, and then CTRL + C to copy it.
  5. Come back here and in the text box below, hit CTRL + V to paste in the coding.
  6. Select your options, and see how much it's all worth!

Your Source Code


Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 16, 2025


Snowager Sleeping
from 2:00 PM to 2:59 PM NST
Snowager Sleeping
from 10:00 PM to 10:59 PM NST


Symol Hole Prize Window
from 10:53:00 AM to 10:56:59 AM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 11:53:00 AM to 11:56:59 AM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 12:53:00 PM to 12:56:59 PM NST
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from 1:53:00 PM to 1:56:59 PM NST
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from 2:53:00 PM to 2:56:59 PM NST
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from 3:53:00 PM to 3:56:59 PM NST
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from 4:53:00 PM to 4:56:59 PM NST
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from 5:53:00 PM to 5:56:59 PM NST
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from 6:53:00 PM to 6:56:59 PM NST
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from 7:53:00 PM to 7:56:59 PM NST
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from 8:53:00 PM to 8:56:59 PM NST
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from 9:53:00 PM to 9:56:59 PM NST
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from 10:53:00 PM to 10:56:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 11:53:00 PM to 11:56:59 PM NST